
One of our original aims back in 2000 was to provide our member local authorities and schools the ability to invest in the very best broadband networks and information technology using our collective regional procurement power. Since then the landscape has changed, but SEGfL still believes in delivering value for money to its members, while striving to bring innovation, quality products and services to the education community.

We can offer a wide range of products and services to schools, academy trusts and local authorities from infrastructure requirements, SSL certificates to Data Protection Officer packages. Some of the services are delivered by SEGFL or member local authorities. Others can be purchased through EU Frameworks which provide schools and local authorities the peace of mind that they are getting value through approved procurement routes.

The procurement Frameworks we use:

The SEG Framework was launched in 2021 and allows SEGfL to offer a range of managed broadband services to schools and other public sectors bodies in the SE region. It uses the latest technologies to ensure the connectivity options are fit for purpose and secure.

The Everything ICT Framework is a DfE approved framework that allows schools to procure a range of ICT services. Through this route, SEGfL can provide schools with best value ICT solutions.


For more information please contact us via Email: [email protected]