The Tudors in London
- Subject:
- Art & Design, Geography, History, Mathematics, PSHE
- Age Groups:
- KS2
- Publisher:
The Tudors in London resource offers support to both specialist and non-specialist History teachers as they deliver elements of the new curriculum. It aims to develop an understanding of a historical context in which to appreciate how events of 500 years ago still impact London life today.
Featuring over 140 high-quality videos clips and over 60 high-resolution images from the Museum of London Archaeological Archive, Royal Collection Trust and key Tudor locations in London, the extensive digital collection is further enhanced by a framework of curriculum-linked material. Lesson plans suggest classroom-based activities to help teachers make the most of the wide range of resources within the historical archive.
The resource is designed to be used both as a class teaching tool and in an individual learner context. The structure of support material is specifically designed to meet the needs of History teachers working with Key Stage 2 pupils.
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