Newspapers for schools

Art & Design, Citizenship, D&T, English, Geography, History, ICT, Mathematics, MFL, Music, PE, PSHE, RE, Science, STEM
Age Groups:
KS2, KS3, KS4, KS4+

The NLA offers a free database of around 150 national and regional titles to schools, to allow teachers and students access to newspaper articles.  As long as the school has a licence, they can create a free account there.  Over 22,000 are covered by a licence in England alone!

All state funded primary and secondary schools in England are covered to use this resource by a DfE licence. More information can be found here

About the NLA

NLA represents and licenses over 7,000 national, regional and overseas newspapers, 1,500 magazines and 4,000 newspaper and magazine websites.  More than 80% of the revenue NLA collects is returned to publishers – that’s equivalent to keeping over 1,000 journalists in a job.  We also donate £100,000 every year to the Journalism Diversity Fund, create a daily text feed for the RNIB and our ‘News Library’ gives UK schools online access to content from over 150 titles.

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