Natural Curriculum
- Subject:
- Geography, Science
- Age Groups:
- KS1, KS2
- Publisher:
An exciting new primary literacy resource called the Natural Curriculum has been produced by ERA in collaboration with the BBC. Based around fascinating clips from the BBC’s most iconic natural history programmes, the Natural Curriculum uses the natural world to engage children in English grammar.
The Natural Curriculum currently provides 45 ready to use, high quality grammar lessons, each designed around a different captivating animal based film clip. With differentiated whiteboard activities, high quality sentence models, vocabulary word walls and plenty of opportunities for children to apply their grammar skills, the resource provides everything a teacher would need for delivering the grammar and punctuation aspects of the Year 5 Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar curriculum.
Designed in collaboration with Bristol based primary school teacher, David Millington, the Natural Curriculum has been praised for bringing the Earth’s vast landscape directly into the classroom, making the natural world accessible to all, regardless of background or circumstance. Children are immersed in the wonders of nature, firing their creativity, inspiring their imagination and enhancing their writing. Through regularly exposing primary school children to such awe-inspiring aspects of nature, the Natural Curriculum builds the background knowledge and experience that can stimulate sustained quality writing.
With an ERA Licence, schools can access all of the Natural Curriculum resources for free, whilst pupils and parents can access this content directly from home.