IP Education Framework

Age Groups:
EYFS, KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4, KS4+

The Intellectual Property Education Framework has been developed as part of IPO activities to increase the impact and understanding of Intellectual Property (IP), through education at all levels, and support the UK’s ambition to be the most innovative and creative country in the world.

Developed in consultation with teachers from across the four UK nations, industry and professional bodies.   The framework equips the next generation of innovators, entrepreneurs and creatives with the knowledge to identify, protect, use and respect IP. The framework sets out that knowledge through age-appropriate competency statements from primary to higher education. Learning about intellectual property will help prepare young people for employment, responsible digital citizenship and will support levelling up across the UK

Free supporting education resources from the UK IPO and partners support teachers and educators to introduce IP concepts into everyday lessons, building learners’ understanding and practical application of ownership and ideas, creativity and innovation.

Curriculum covered by the Intellectual Property Education framework.

  • Art and Design
  • Music
  • Science
  • Design and Technology
  • Computing
  • PSHE
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