Support for School Staff

If you work with children and young people and require advice or guidance around an online safety issue,  please contact the Professionals Online Safety Helpline on [email protected] or call 0344 381 4772

The team can help with any online safety issues – privacy, online reputation, gaming, grooming, cyberbullying, sexting, inappropriate behaviour on social media and so on. As the only helpline in the UK solely dedicated to supporting the children’s workforce, POSH are unique in their relationships within industry- having direct channels to escalate concerns to social media companies and many websites. The helpline is available to call or email Monday to Friday 10am – 4pm.

Follow them on Twitter @UK_SIC


Launched in January 2022, SWGfL and The Marie Collins Foundation has created a support service for professionals working with children and young people in tackling harmful sexual behaviours, funded by the Home Office and in collaboration with the Department for Education. Details are below on how to contact them

If you would like to further your knowledge in online safety or become a trained professional (Thinkuknow Ambassador) who can then deliver online safety training to others, please go to the Thinkuknow professionals site