04/05/2020 12:30 pm to 04/05/2020 4:00 pmCyber Security Briefing for Professionals in Education

SEGfL is pleased to announce that we are funding this cyber security briefing for professional who work with children and young people. It will be delivered by the officers at the SE ROCU as is free to attend.

Places are limited, so please book via the link below.

More and more young people are getting involved in cyber crime. Many do it for fun without realising the consequences of their actions. Cyber crime isn’t a victimless crime and is taken extremely seriously by law enforcement. The aim of this event is to show what education professionals and others involved with young people can do to understand, identify and help to educate young people about the risks.

Young people and cybercrime a briefing for education professionals

To book a place, please click here

Event Details

  • Hilton St Anne’s Manor, London Road, Wokingham, Berkshire, RG40 1ST, stannesmanor.hilton.com