06/11/2023 9:00 am to 10/11/2023 5:00 pmChemistry Week 5th -11th November 2023
Chemistry Week is an annual celebration of the chemical sciences.
Chemistry Week will be taking place 5 – 11 November but Royal Society of Chemistry invite you to celebrate the chemical sciences throughout the whole month of November within the theme of:
“Chemistry making the world a better place”.
The impact of chemistry is incredible, it has led to positive outcomes and developments for the individual up to global society. Chemistry supports development across all aspects of society, including health, climate and the environment, wealth and industry, sustainability, well-being, education, justice, equality, nutrition, and alleviation of poverty.
Within the chemical sciences there is a rich and diverse community of groups and individuals who, driven by dedication and professionalism, work to make the world a better place.
Chemistry Week itself, is an opportunity to introduce students to the critical challenges faced by the planet and how the chemical sciences can address these, themes could include (but not not limited to):
- Clean air/water
- Clean energies
- Sustainability
- Climate and environment
- Careers in chemistry
SEGFL are committed to assisting the community with STEM activities for young people and schools. Chemistry is part of our daily lives and plays a pivotal role in shaping our world, find out more at: STEM – South East Grid for Learning South East Grid for Learning (segfl.org.uk)