School Policy Templates

Within our community there are several exemplar sets of Online Safety policies designed for schools. They all indicate what should be included and then allow each school to challenge, debate and consider additional components. This ensures that the policies are relevant to each individual setting.

The policies cover topics such as:

Acceptable Use Polices
Social media and technology
Use of cameras and phones


  • South West Grid for Learning – The SWGfL Template Policies consist of an overall Online Safety Policy and a series of appendices with more detailed template policies and forms. They can also be found embedded in the links and resources section of the 360 degree safe online safety self-review tool.

Polices and templates can be foundĀ here


  • Kent County Council – This page links to Kent resources, as well as national guidance to enable leaders, managers, proprietors and Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) within education settings develop and implement a whole setting approach towards online safety.

Policies and templates can be found here


  • London Grid for Learning – LGfL provide a range of policies and templates written for use in educational settings.

Policies and templates can be found here